Robert Bladycz

Date and place of birth:

31 March 1971, Kamienna Góra.

Current place of residence:

Kamienna Góra.



Current job:

Member of the Joint Commission of the Government and the National and Ethnic. Minorities, Co-chairman of the Department for Romani Issues of the Ministry of Administration and Digitization, President of the Roma school assistant Association in Poland, Roma school assistant, the head of an afternoon club for children.

Achievements in life and work:

Completion of a tertiary education - I am a sociologist and psycho-sociologist, pedagogue; received M.A. in General Pedagogy.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am although I always set myself new targets.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to build my own house.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

"Let us hurry up to love people. They go away so quickly”.