Terni Romani Bacht

Integrating Children Dance and Song Ensemble “Terne Romani Bacht” was created in 2009 as part of the project “Romane drom pe fedyr dzipen”. At the moment the group is managed by the Foundation of Social IntegrationProm” and the Department of Education of Wrocław City Council. Thirty-five children, average age 10, perform in the group.  Both Romani and non-Romani children attending twelve Wrocław primary and junior high schools, participate actively in the rehearsals. It is worth mentioning  that the group is integrated in the fullest sense of the world.

Children belonging to several Romani tribes, Bergitka Roma, Lovari, Polish Roma, plus non-Roma children perform in the dance and song ensemble. The Roma – members of the “Romani Bacht” Association –  assure choreography and artistic setting. Each year, the group holds around 30 concerts in Wrocław and other Polish cities.

Miklosz Czureja

Date and place of birth:

16 October 1958, Niedzica.

Current place of residence:



Higher, a graduate of the Antonin Dvorak College of Music in Prague.

Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

I have been learning to play the violin since I was 5 years old and I’m still learning. I have recorded almost 20 albums. I have given concerts around the world. Moreover, I staged concerts with Michał Urbaniak and Sandor Lakatos. Performed in the Jan Kiepura European Festival. In 2010, in Poznań I was crowned “Csárdás King”.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

No, I am not

What are your plans for the future?

To continue, ameliorate and promote Romani cultural traditions through my artistic work.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

My biggest dream is to form the first Romani orchestra which would perform genuine Romani music.

Sara Czureja

Date and place of birth:

23 April 1991, Kluczbork.

Current place of residence:




Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

My son Mateusz. The prize awarded by the Marshall of Wielkopolska Province in the area of culture. The prize won in the competition organized by the Polish TV  “Creative Valley, or what the young art looks for”. Art scholarships for young talents; a four time winner of the young Romani talents competitions organized by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

No, I am not.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to provide my son with musical education. I would also seek better education and ameliorate my skills in the field of music.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Living in accordance with God’s will. Family is the most important in life.

Roksana Stojowska

Date and place of birth:

14 August 1983, Wałbrzych.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant, coordinator of the project conducted for the Roma community in Wrocław.

Achievements in life and work:

My greatest success is being able to help young Romani people.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am.

What are your plans for the future?

To start a family and commence studies.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Strive for happiness.

Dorota Siwak

Date and place of birth:

28 February 1973, Kopytowa.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

My husband and children.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to have my own home.

Robert Siwak

Date and place of birth:

20 December 1972, Lubin.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

President of the Friendly Roma Association in Lubin, a pastor.

Achievements in life and work:

I have an amazing wife, two children and a daughter in law. God sent us to this town to lead a congregation.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

I am still not.

What are your plans for the future?

I strive to serve God dutifully and improve as a congregation member as well as at home.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I will accept whatever God decides.

Alfreda Markowska

She was born on 10 May 1926 in Stanisławów. Her parents came from the nomadic Polish Roma (Polska Roma). A Romani group famous for horse trading in the Second Republic.  She remembers her childhood as a time of abundance,  halcyon days. She married when she was fifteen. She liked her husband a lot, although he had two vices – he neither drank nor smoked. For her it meant leading a life next to an unsociable man. However, with time he more than made up for his imperfections. Both before the War and during the War their camp comprised around 100 people.  This guaranteed security and support in difficult situations. After Nazi troops entered the territory of modern Ukraine,  nationalists became more active, and bloody pogroms of Poles, Jews and Gypsies became a gruesome reality. Fearing the Ukrainian nationalists, the whole Gypsy camp crossed the Bug River hoping it would help them survive the dangerous times. And  times were difficult. Even now, after so many years, Alfreda, called by many people Granny Noncia (Babcia Noncia), sometimes interrupts her story and sheds bitter tears.

That unforgettable day was no different than others. The Gypsies set up their camp on the outskirts of a forest, close to Biała Podlaska. Noncia left the camp early to get some food, as is customary among Romani women. She tried to avoid nearby villages, hoping it would be easier to earn some money in places not reached by other Gypsy women from the camp. She remembers reaching one place where, almost in each home, people wanted her to do some card reading. Proud of herself and loaded with a massive bundle of bread, potatoes, meat, even tobacco and hooch, she returned to the camp. However, what she found was only the smouldering ruins of caravans and tents. Roma victims murdered by the Germans lay in freshly-dug graves. That day, her parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles were slaughtered – all  relatives belonging to one of the largest Romani tribes. For a few days, she was searching nearby forests for pogrom survivors. Her husband was the only lucky person who was not murdered in this brutal massacre, only because he was with relatives in Rozwadów (a suburb of present-day Stalowa Wola ). She united with her husband and stayed in Rozwadów where they were employed as railway workers. Noncia decided to reunite her family. She searched for children survivors in all the places ravaged by German troops, and succeeded in finding them in  forests and mouldered shacks. She was sometimes able to find families of children who were non-Roma. At times, she had to provide for several children. She answers  questions reluctantlyon how she managed to feed all her young ones.  Moreover, she was even capable to rescue a few children from  trains passing by Rozwadów, going to death camps. Her dream of a huge family came true. Today, all her dear ones amount to a few hundred people.

On 17 October 2006, she was honoured with the Knight’s Cross with Star by the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, for her bravery, sacrifice and fierce determination to save lives of many children.

Edward Sabo

Date and place of birth:

19 March 1956, Niemcza.

Current place of residence:

Zielona Góra.



Current job:

Owner of real estate agency.

Achievements in life and work:

My family and my children; drawing up a work plan in my real estate agency and its implementation.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I certainly am.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to educate my children, have work that would make me happy.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Seek wisdom and you will achieve real contentment.

Zbigniew Szubert

Date and place of birth:

02 March 1961, Świnoujście.

Current place of residence:

Zielona Góra/Berlin.



Current job:

Owner of real estate agency.

Achievements in life and work:

My family and my business.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, but I would love all the Roma to live their life more worthily.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to have more free time for my family.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Nothing in this world comes easily, achieving success always requires hard work.

Roman Siwak

Date and place of birth:

13 August 1970, Legnica.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

My biggest success is teaching, support and motivation of Romani children.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. I  never thought about working at school. I am satisfied with my role and responsibilities as an assistant.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to complete secondary education to become a real teacher one day.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I wish for me and my family to stay in good health. Without health you cannot do anything in your life.