Maria Delimata

Date and place of birth:

08 February 1961, Wrocław.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

Work at school, support for children.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

No, I am not.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to complete my school and increase my job qualifications.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I want to move to the UK to be closer to my sons.

Zenon Bołdyzer

Date and place of birth:

06 April 1961, Kiecz.

Current place of residence:



Vocational (motorcar electromechanical technician).

Current job:

President of Association of Cultivating Romani Cultural Values and Traditions “Kałe Jakha”.

Achievements in life and work:

I have been managing a music group for twenty years. I also work at school and help Roma and non-Roma children.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

No, I am not. I would like to travel and live in the Romani tabor, like my ancestors.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to organize the Days of Romani Culture in Krakow, continue work with my music group and stage concerts around the world.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I wish I could do great things until the end of my life. The worst thing in life is stagnation.

Anna Bogusławska

Date and place of birth:

30 January 1974, Bydgoszcz.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

It is still hard to talk about career achievements. My greatest accomplishments are my daughters who are the exemplary Romani women.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I have always wanted to live the way I am living my life now.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to show Roma children that schooling is not at odds with Romani traditions. You can combine those two things.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

You must never lose faith in humanity. I want to preserve unconditional hospitality typical for Roma women until the end of my days. I always joke that I am the 21st Century Roma woman.

Antoni and Renata Mirga

Antoni Mirga

Date and place of birth:

29 December 1953, Ząbkowice Śląskie.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

Promotion of young Romani, educator support in  kindergarten, participation in projects for the Roma community.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

No, I am not.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to help people raise their social status.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I want to channel all my energy into making people feel stronger. I would love to have a house with a garden, on the outskirts of a forest and close to a brook.

Renata Mirga

Date and place of birth:

15 June 1952, Kłodzko

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

Professional – management of the kindergarten for Roma and non-Roma children. Personal – I succeeded in persuading a niece of my husband to continue her studies at the university.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. I would like to build a house in countryside for me and my family.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to intensify my efforts to raise the education level of Roma children. I would like them to have a better start to their adult life and never forget their unique Romani cultural traditions.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Better understanding of my work and more successful cooperation with the Polish community.

Ksenia Ciepiela

Date and place of birth:

01 February 1991, Radom.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Journalism student.

Achievements in life and work:

My articles to the newspapers, my work for the “Romano Waśt” Association. I also received an award in the Warsaw Young Romani Talent Competition in 2004.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to complete my studies, learn well the Finnish language and continue my music education.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Seize the day. Everything is possible in life.

Ewa Krawczyk

Date and place of birth:

23 December 1985, Nowy Targ.

Current place of residence:

Nowy Targ.



Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

Graduation from university, work with children in  kindergarten. My family.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to complete my postgraduate studies.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Live life to the fullest and make the most of it.

Danuta Bill

Date and place of birth:

22 March 1972, Szaflary.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Educator in the community centre.

Achievements in life and work:

My greatest success is my fourteen children who are healthy and do well at school. We are always together.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. Family – the greatest gift I ever – received from God. We are healthy. I cannot ask for more than that.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to educate my children so that they could achieve something in their lives and fulfil their dreams.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I would like to be a painter and satisfy my artistic passion.

Stanisław Brygida

Date and place of birth:

17 June 1985, Nowy Targ.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

Assistant chef.

Achievements in life and work:

My family.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I would say so.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to continue my education.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

The most important thing in life is a family.

Inga Mirga

Date and place of birth:

21 December 1972, Nowy Targ.

Current place of residence:

Kędzierzyn Koźle.



Current job:

Roma school assistant.

Achievements in life and work:

My work with Romani children and their successes. I would like Roma children to complete school, study at University and fulfil their socially worth and moral duties.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. I have a job which fulfils me.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to continue my work at school and look after development of Roma youths. I would like all Roma to believe that education is the key to the success.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Despite everything, we must always preserve humanity within us.

Stanisław Szoma

Date and place of birth:

30 January 1961, Lubań Śląski.

Current place of residence:

Lubań Śląski.



Current job:

The President of the Association of Romanis in Lubań.

Achievements in life and work:

Successful management of the Association; carrying out projects for the local Roma community. Ran in the Lubań Council Elections in 2010. I succeeded in providing work training for Romanis, to  increase their chances in the tough job market and raise their living standards.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. I feel self-fulfilled when I can help people.

What are your plans for the future?

Once I become a councillor of Lubań I will spare no efforts in helping both the Roma and Polish community.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I believe in God that is why I would like to live peacefully with others.