Maroš Balog

Date and place of birth:

04 January 1976, Košice.

Current place of residence:

Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.


Higher education.

Current job:

Career advisor.

Achievements in life and work:

My family, two children. Professionally for 15 years I have been helping Romany community.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes. I am Romany. I live like a human being.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to live to see when view on Romany in Slovakia would change. I would like to write a book.

Mikuláš Lacko

Date and place of birth:

15. December 1953, Košice.

Current place of residence:

Košice, Slovakia.


Secondary education.

Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

Graduation from trade school. Passing the driving licence exam. My family.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Not quite.

What are your plans for the future?

To provide my family a decent living. To bring up my grandchildren well.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

„Craftsmanship has gold bottom”.

Petra Šarköziová

Date and place of birth:

07 February 1979, Žiar nad Hronom.

Current place of residence:

Žiar nad Hronom, Slovakia.


Higher education.

Current job:

Presenter of Internet ”Gipsy Television”.

Achievements in life and work:

Participation in project Roma Youth European Citizenship.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I live how I like.

What are your plans for the future?

Professional work in media.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Live and let other live.

Attila Nádaski (“Miskolci Elvis”)

Date and place of birth:

07 October 1971, Bremerhaven (Germany).

Current place of residence:

Miskolc, Hungary.


Higher education.

Current job:

Musician, vocalist.

Achievements in life and work:

I played over 2100 concerts. I performed in Las Vegas I was a part of „American Superstar” programe. I have a wonderful wife!

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?


What are your plans for the future?

More concerts.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Keep on singing and entertain people.

Marián Cristina

Date and place of birth:

02 March 1987, Chisinau, Moldová.

Current place of residence:

Budapest, Hungary.


Human Rights LLM.

Current job:

Student (Master). Legal Department, Central Europan University.

Achievements in life and work:

Working on issues tackling discrimination against roma and other human rights issues.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?


What are your plans for the future?

To become a lawyer in order to address particularly the issues of human rights. Abuses against roma and other groups.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

„What is done, is always done into better”.

Magyar Tibor

Date and place of birth:

Current place of residence:

Budapest, Hungary.


Secondary education.

Current job:

Theology student, painter.

Achievements in life and work:

Painting course of  Endre Várdy. Meeting with the Jesus Resurrected.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes. I follow Jesus.

What are your plans for the future?

Keep on painting.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Ora et labora – Pray and work.

Franciska Farkas

Date and place of birth:

05 November 1984, Gyöngyös.

Current place of residence:

Budapest, Hungary


Secondary education.

Current job:

Actor, social worker, journalist, interpreter of sign language.

Achievements in life and work:

My roles in films, plays and work in television.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?


What are your plans for the future?

Getting a degree. Win Oscar. Work with my idols. Survive.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

„Life is a traffic jam.”

Erzsébet Gulyás

Date and place of birth:

1 December 1983, Budapest.

Current place of residence:

Budapest, Hungary.


Secondary education.

Current job:

Student – Central European Universtity.

Achievements in life and work:

My studies.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?


What are your plans for the future?

To graduate. To find a field on the border of architecture and sociology which would allow me to take part in long-term development projects.
To start a family.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

Good sense of humour, openness, empathy, colourfulness.

Anna Daróczi

Date and place of birth:

03 July 1985, Budapest.

Current place of residence:

Fót, Hungary.


Secondary euducation.

Current job:


Achievements in life and work:

My studies.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am glad with my achievements so far, and the better will happen to me anyway.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to open a doctor’s thesis in the USA.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I would like people to take responsible and wise decision about their lives.

Agnes Daróczi

Date and place of birth:

1954, Bedő.

Current place of residence:

Budapest, Hungary.



Current job:

Culture Manager, Hungarian Language and Literature Teacher in secondary school.

Achievements in life and work:

I was the first Romany girl who started studying and graduated in Hungary. I had prepared the first suport materials for teaching of Romany Language published in 1975. I am a co-author of the first independent Romany organization in Hungary: Phralipe and Amalipe. I was a founder and editor of „The Romany Magazine”, broadcast by Hungarian television. I am the author of books and educational materials for Romany living in Hungary.

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

I have been happily married for almost 40 years. Our daughter is a successful film director. I will not live how I wanted to for a long time because my nation, Romany is oppressed in Europe.

What are your plans for the future?

I will fitght for improvement of the situation of my community as long as I live: by word, by action and by thought.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

I would like Romany to change. Take their affairs in their own hands. We have to be active in politics, and pro-Romany projects. Nothing about us without us!

Niether community can consider themselves fully free and democratic unless the freedom and democracy refer to all including the minorities. Without protection of the rights of minorities there is no true democracy!