Agnieszka Caban

Date and place of birth:

05 October 1984, Lublin.

Current place of residence:




Current job:

PhD student at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin; editor of the "Roma Quarterly" and "".

Achievements in life and work:

I received a recognition award in the "Primus Inter Pares" competition in 2008; completed M.A. programme; PhD studies. Carried out various projects for the Roma community. Organization of two editions of the Romani Culture Festival "Taboriada" in Lublin; cooperation with  "Roma Quarterly".

Are you living your life the way you have always wanted to?

Yes, I am. I am doing things I have always wanted to do.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to successfully defend my PhD thesis, continue my work for the Roma community and enjoy professional success.

Life motto, credo, dreams…

You have to follow your bliss.